The election is over. Everyone knows who their local, state and national representatives are. Do we just go to sleep until the mims come up in 2 years? Oh hell no. ABATE Florida reminds you that Now is the time to make positive progress for the biker’s rights movement.

Know Your Representatives
First, sit down and make a list of your local councilmen and mayor. Note if any just got elected this term. Do the same for your state representative and senator and your representative and senators in Washington D.C.
Communication is Key

Send an email or make a call and congratulate them for getting elected. Be sure to let them know you ride a motorcycle and are a member of ABATE of your state. In Florida, the session will begin in March, but committees will start meeting early in January so don’t wait.
Contact Info for ABATE Florida
I am sure every state has a similar website, but in Florida, it is myfloridahouse.gov and flsenate.gov. These will be indispensable when it comes to monitoring legislative movement. These will give you up to date info on the progress of bills. Keep in touch with your ABATE legislative officer and monitor the bills as they progress through committees. The websites will show who is on the committee and how you can contact them if there is concern about changes to a bill or to encourage them to pass or defeat a bill while in committee.

Now is the time for the biker community to start the early work to insure we maintain and hopefully expand our freedoms this year. If we do not stay involved, our freedom will slowly diminish until we are told what to do by those that do not ride. To get involved, go to abatefloridainc.com.
One of our Nations great founders, Thomas Jefferson, said it so well. “The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.”
Ride Safe Ride Free