The helmet law in Florida was amended on 1 July 2000. This was a great day for motorcyclists in the State of Florida. We now had the choice to wear a helmet or not. The expression "Let Those Who Ride Decide", came to fruition. The new law allowed motorcyclists over the age of 21, who meet the insurance requirements, to ride without a helmet if they choose. In those 20+ years since, the number of motorcycles registered in Florida has tripled. Also, the number of Floridians that have obtained their motorcycle endorsement has also tripled. Based on those numbers, about 2/3 of the state's motorcyclists have had the choice to ride without a helmet since getting their endorsement.

I wonder if any of them have thought about how this freedom to choose came about? Have you ever thought about what took place to gain our freedom? Most members of the Florida Legislature are not motorcyclists. It took a dedicated group of motorcycle enthusiasts nearly 20 years to educate our legislators and to gain their trust and support to amend the existing law.
ABATE of Florida, Inc. was founded in 1981 and is made up of a dedicated group of members who have stayed focused for over 40 years. They have fought to gain and maintain our rights as motorcyclists in our state. ABATE of Florida, Inc has a membership of over 5,000 men and women, who are dedicated to preserving our rights and our way of life. That is less than 1% of the number of motorcyclists registered in this state. We are made up of husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, friends, family and veterans. Why are so many motorcyclists not members of the most important organization in Florida to defend their rights? Could it be that they just do not know about ABATE of Florida, Inc. or how to get involved?

We are made up of 20 chapters across the State of Florida, who are dedicated to preserving their rights. ABATE works to promote motorcycle awareness, educate the public on motorcycle related issues, and legislatively preserve the biker lifestyle for all motorcyclists. Being bikers, we also find ways to get together and go for rides.
The fight for biker's rights did not end with the repeal of the helmet law. There are always people that would take away our rights. If 5,000 have accomplished what we have, imagine what 50,000 could do. We must continue to press forward to defend what we have accomplished and always be alert for other encroachments on our rights. Please come join us in defending our rights in Florida. It only costs $20 per year and you get and accidental death and dismemberment policy with that. The battle for biker's rights will continue for generations. It is up to us to make sure that our children and grandchildren know what it is like to be able to enjoy the freedom of the road.
For more information on ABATE of Florida or to find a chapter near you go to
Bill Bird