Your Duties Don’t End After You Vote in November!
It is an election year, and we as bikers need to go to the polls to vote for candidates that support our lifestyle and our vision for the future of this great nation of ours. If you look around the world, you will see how restricted the bikers are in many other countries—from the size of the bike to what they can wear, to working on their scoots. We here in the USA are used to a certain amount of freedom, but if you check out a lot of states, you will find that they are heading the same direction of telling us how and what to ride.
This is why Defending Biker Freedom must continue after the election.

Our duties as citizens Defending Biker Freedom are just beginning. All of us must become involved in the legislative process in our states. We cannot allow non-bikers to arbitrarily make up rules for us based on flawed logic. We all must be the defenders of our freedom.
Connect with Representatives After Election Day
When the election results are in, call or email your state representative or state senator and congratulate them for winning the election. Let them know that you ride a motorcycle and are interested in their views on the biking community. Also, let them know you will be watching what bills they support or don’t support during their term in office. If you can, go to their local office and introduce yourself, so they know who you are.
Hold Elected Officials Accountable for Biker Rights
It is up to all of us as Americans and especially as bikers to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. If you see a bill that is detrimental to the well-being of the citizenry, you must talk to your representative and senator and tell them why they should not support it.

Join ABATE to Stay Engaged and Protect Our Rights
You should be vigilant as all Americans should and help to maintain this great nation through your actions on the local, state, and national level. Most states have ABATE in them. Please get involved in the effort to defend our rights. If you live in Florida, you can go to ABATE of Florida and find a chapter near you.
Conclusion: Keeping Freedom Strong
After the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of The United States of America, was asked, “What have you brought forth?” His answer still applies today: “A republic, if you can keep it.”
Ride Safe Ride Free!